Dear Ballard Design Team,
We enlarged our family room after the arrival of our two children. The space is wonderful, but I’m really stumped with the layout and decor. I added bookcases for their toys and storage for their art supplies, but really need to create a focal point between them. I have my eye on your arched mirror, and really need window treatment help and layout suggestions.
I also am anxious to use your tips on accessorizing bookcases – thank you for helping us viewers with that on our site. It’s wonderful. I love what I saw with the faux finish master bedroom and thought maybe it would work in this space as well. Would your team have some good suggestions? I’m open to anything.
Thanks in advance!!
Michelle Marsh
Dear Michelle,
Thank you for allowing us a peak into your beautiful home. We just love the space. We do think we can give you some pointers on how to complete your look. We have taken the liberty of drawing an estimated floor plan based on the photos you sent.
Let’s start with the back wall with the bookcases. We would like to see something like our Benedetta Console in Tuscan Brown centered on the wall with the two bookcases tight on either side of the console. Placing our Charleston Mirror in Cream above the console will add an architectural element. We have chosen our Ashton Rug which should be centered in front of the fireplace with your sofa opposite the fireplace and the love seat placed in front of the Benedetta Console facing into the room. Just make sure you leave walking space behind the loveseat. Our Morgan Coffee Table in Mahogany placed in front of the sofa will provide additional storage. The 30” Terrific Table Trio with Burlap Tablecloth placed in between the sofa and loveseat will soften the look in front of the window.
As far as window treatments, we feel our Granada Crewel Work Panels or our Sage Check Panel with Valance would look terrific. You may also want to order our Brick Pomeroy fabric for some Accent Pillows. You can add the finishing touches with a few well chosen accessories. Let us know what you think – we love feedback. Please send pictures when you are finished.
Good Luck,
The Style Studio Team
Posted 10/8/09
Featured Products: | |
1 | Benedetta Console |
2 | Charleston Mirror |
3 | Ashton Rug |
4 | Morgan Coffee Table |
5 | 30” Terrific Table Trio with Burlap Tablecloth |
6 | Granada Crewel Work Panels |
7 | Accent Pillows |