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Decorating Dilemmas

Our stylists answer your questions, so you can tackle your home decorating project with complete confidence.

  • Living room help?

    Decorating a Long Living Room

    A simple but sophisticated room just waiting for the finishing touches to bring it to life. An exciting start to a living room redo.

    Tall Ceilings

    Mixing styles can be intimidating, but most of the time if you select what speaks to you … style will follow.

  • Simple Cozy Layout

    Lost in My Living Room by Lauren

    Inspirational pieces can come from anywhere. They are your inspiration for a creating a space. An inherited piece of furniture, a stunning piece of fabric or a painting that speaks to your soul.

    Living Room Disaster by Carmen

    Dear Style Studio team: I can’t figure it out on furniture placement. My entry faces a wall and I have two parallel walls that can be used.

    Bedroom Disaster

    With a few additions here and there fueled with a little inspiration, a bedroom will be the perfect retreat.

    Decorating A New Living Room

    Sometimes when you start new with a space, it is difficult to get started with a plan. Finding an inspiration piece or a lifestyle motive is the perfect place to start.