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Tips & Solutions

We’ve got the hottest design tips and information on decorating trends here.

    How Art Can Finish a Room

    When designing a room, every designer and homeowner knows there are many layers. Of course there are the walls, floors, and windows. Then you…

  • This wall mounted storage unit can be used as an outdoor bar or potting shed

    7 Spring Decorating Tips

    In the pages of our catalog, you’ve probably noticed the tips that we include for design inspiration. From the products we sell to the…

  • Lily Console from Ballard Designs

    We’re Into: Fretwork

    In the world of design, a “trend” often can have deep-seeded design roots that trace back hundreds, and even thousands of years. It certainly…

    How to Style a Bookcase

    Yes, bookcases are utilitarian by providing much-needed storage, but they also add a major style statement to any room. They’re the perfect solution to…